Me & My Money Chloe Townsend, Willow & Clo

‘I am a big believer in spending money on experiences’

Chloe Townsend: “I think there is definitely a sweet spot between being time wealthy and wealthy.”

Are you a saver or a spender? A spender. I wish I had a better propensity to save, but I have a magpie eye and a love of travel that often wins the battle over saving for later.

Do you shop around for better value? With certain things, yes. I can be level-headed when it's a big purchase and I will spend time considering it and checking around. But when I shop for clothes, or anything for interiors, if I fall for something, I'm a goner – the heart wins over the head (and the wallet!).

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? I am a big believer in spending money on experiences so my biggest spend is normally always travel. Last year I really went for it. I had always dreamt of travelling to South and Central America and the trip I wanted to do was never going to be cheap. It was the first time I had gone travelling on my own for any length of time and it really taught me so much. So for me every penny was well spent. What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? This definitely has to be my house. As much as I love travelling, there's a real home bird in me, too. I was extremely lucky that I was looking when prices were going down rather then up, so it's a great investment as well as, without a doubt, my most prized possession.

How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Definitely local. I've worked around retail for so long and I still enjoy the experience of meeting the person behind the pieces or knowing I'm supporting local Irish businesses.


Do you haggle over prices? I'm terrible at haggling. I wish I had a little more gumption in this area as I know if you don't ask you don't get, but so much of the time I would be too shy to do it in a shop. For my business I'm a bit better, but I will never be a natural haggler.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Personally not that much. I was lucky in that I hadn't any loans or negative equity. I wasn't working to pay off debt, so my spending was similar to before (probably a bit more conscious).

Do you invest in shares? Growing up, it was always discussed around the dinner table, but I feel like you really have to know the business world inside out and be prepared to watch the markets all the time.

Cash or card? Card. Although when I'm trying to save for something big I would swap to using cash, as it feels more real when you have to hand over notes. I also find it easier to keep tabs on how much I'm spending when I take money out of an ATM.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? I booked flights to Dubai yesterday. I did look around and was delighted with the flights I got. I'm sure I will feel they are great value when I'm there!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? I don't have any investors in my business so I worked and saved enough to have the seed money for Willow & Clo. So although not a one-off purchase, it is one of the biggest things I've had to save for.

Have you ever lost money? Luckily not too much, but yes. I don't look back and wish it never happened, because it's better to have lost a small amount, so you don't make the same mistake when a bigger amount is at stake. As Samuel Beckett says "Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better." I have that quote sitting on my desk to remind me to have learned the lesson but not be in fear of it.

Are you a gambler, and if so have you ever had a big win? Although I would say I'm not a gambler, I am an entrepreneur. There is definitely a certain amount of calculated risk in that – at the end of the day, when there is no certainty of the outcome, it's a gamble.

Is money important to you? I think there is definitely a sweet spot between being time wealthy and wealthy. Both are important to me and I would definitely aspire to have a healthy balance between the two.

How much money do you have on you now? €30 in notes, and some coins for my coffee. With contactless, I've become even worse at having cash on me!

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea