Me & My Money: Gordon D’Arcy, former rugby player

‘Doing a little research on comparison websites before you shop can be helpful’

Gordon D’Arcy: I got caught with a bad investment during the recession. Thankfully, I had taken good advice prior to all my undertakings, and so the loss was small enough.

Are you a saver or a spender? A saver. My father was a bank manager and he instilled that into us from a young age, although with a young baby it is becoming harder and harder to save! Nobody tells you kids are expensive.

Do you shop around for better value? I try to. There are some great comparison websites out there, and doing a little research before you shop can also be helpful. Having said that, sometimes convenience wins out.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? My house is the most expensive thing I have ever bought. I was happy with the price I paid at the time I bought. We love it and it's great for a family.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? That is an easy one: the engagement ring for my wife Aoife. Hands down the best money I have ever spent.


How do you prefer to shop – online or local? I prefer to shop local and support Irish business. The last few years have been so tough, it really is better to try and help Irish companies.

Do you haggle over prices? When it is appropriate. I know that most things are priced and set, but when you get a few euro off, you always feel delighted with yourself.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? It has – it has definitely made me more aware of investments (and their consequences) and living within your budget. And also that there is competition out there. It is usually well worth having a look at prices.

Do you invest in shares? Not so much any more. I have my investments well spread out, and there are more in lower risk stuff albeit over a longer time period.

Cash or card? I always keep some cash on me just in case, but I tend to use my card more often than not. It's just easier than carrying around loads of loose change.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? I bought blinds for our house – they were very good value. They are also worth their weight in gold – black-out blinds. Everyone sleeps likes a baby. Even the baby!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Yes, I saved for my house and a few other investments down through the years. I always have something to save for every couple of years.

Have you ever lost money? Yes. Pretty much like everyone, I got caught with a bad investment during the recession. Thankfully, I had taken good advice prior to all my undertakings, and so the loss was small enough.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win? No, I'm like a cooler in gambling. Any horse or team or sport I back would end up losing or falling.

Is money important to you? I'm happy with my lot in life. Money, while it has its place, is not the driving force in my life. My family and being happy are much more important.

How much money do you have on you now? About €2, enough to buy a coffee on my way home. I was in a rush this morning, but I have my cards just in case! In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea