Me & My Money Ronan Horgan, managing director of Bibby Financial Services Ireland

‘I love the art of selling, so I am known to haggle from time to time’

Are you a saver or a spender? I'm probably a mix of the two. I try and save for the unexpected and for my family's future security, but with my kids growing older that is proving to be a challenge.

Do you shop around for better value? Most definitely. In the long run, you want to deal with someone you can trust and who provides you with reliable goods or services. It is slightly more time consuming to shop around but it pays off in the end.

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? A Christmas gift for my wife. The cost? Now that would be telling.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? Purchasing my family home in Sutton, Co Dublin in 2004 just before prices went crazy. How do you prefer to shop – online or local? Nothing beats shopping local and supporting local traders. While online shopping is quick and convenient – it's a very easy way to purchase books and music – I still prefer to call in to my local butcher or support my local shop.


Do you haggle over prices? I love the art of selling, so I am known to haggle from time to time.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but it is important to know when to negotiate. It also tells me something about the person I am dealing with and their negotiation abilities and selling skills.

Has the recession changed your spending habits? I'm a little bit more cautious, but thankfully I never over-borrowed and we still take our family holidays in Doonbeg and Kinvara in the west of Ireland where our families are from.

We definitely budget better, so that's a good thing. Do you invest in shares? I previously worked in a bank so I am fortunate to have a small number of shares, but I think I will be waiting a long time for the price to recover on this stock.

Cash or card? Most definitely Laser card.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? My lunch in Sandyford's Coffee Shot Café, which is close to our office. The quality of the food is good there, so yes it was good value.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? I once saved for a new pair of football boots when I was 15-years-old.

Have you ever lost money? Yes, normally at the races whenever I attend. Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win? Well, I love going to the races and putting on a bet.

Like most people, I have had the odd winner, but I never consider them a big win as I have probably lost on a few before or after.

Is money important to you? Money is important in what it can bring to you, your family and business.

In my job, I see how having the right working capital can allow small business owners and entrepreneurs to grow and create local employment, so in that sense it’s definitely important.

It shouldn’t be the be all and end all – there is more to life than money.

How much money do you have on you now? A €20 note, some coins and my Laser card.

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea