‘On or off the pitch I don’t know what my future holds’

Me & My Money: Denis Buckley, Connacht Rugby

Denis Buckley: ‘Money is very important to me. I think it gives people the freedom to make choices they want to make and do the things they want to do.’ Photograph: Elena Barbini/Inpho

Are you a saver or a spender?

I would say I’m a bit of both. I am a big believer in paying yourself first, so my savings and other expenses are always dealt with before anything else. I have a monthly budget that I try to stick to but, depending on what’s going on, I can sometimes find myself dipping into savings come the end of the four weeks.

Do you shop around for better value?

I shop around for better value but probably not as much as I should. With more expensive items I definitely do a bit of research and see what the options are, but I could definitely improve a bit on my day-to-day living.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

A few years back I won a voucher for a jewellery shop in Galway. I added a bit of my own money to it and bought a nice watch. I really like the watch and I still wear it.

What purchase have you made that you would consider the best value for money?

Easily the best thing was my MacBook. I bought it about 10 years ago for college and still use it to this day.

How did you prefer to shop during the Covid-19 restrictions – online or local?

I bought very little online during Covid-19. I tried to support local as much as I could. I only went online to get the odd bit of clothing now and then.

Do you haggle over prices?

With more expensive items I would certainly try and negotiate some sort of discount, but I rarely do with day-to-day living. I remember a while back I was buying a TV and a printer, I ended up getting a soundbar thrown in for free and a small percentage off the overall price. I was chuffed with that!

How has Covid-19 changed your spending habits?

During Covid-19 I found I became much better at budgeting. I find Revolut great for this. At the start of each month, I would transfer a set amount into a vault on Revolut. Every Sunday, I would withdraw a certain amount from the vault into the current account for that week. It has helped me to become much smarter with my spending.

Do you invest in shares?

I mainly go for the broadly diversified, low-fee index funds and just as I put away my savings first, I will also top these up. I’m hoping this approach over time will take advantage of compound interest. In terms of individual stock picking, I’ve put a small amount into one or two of the big tech companies, and also a bit into some clean energy companies as I think this area will be a huge growth area into the future. It’s also a nice sector to support.

Cash or card?

I rarely if ever have cash. I don’t even use my bank card any more. Everything I do is either through my Revolut card or just tapping my phone to use Revolut so I can see clearly how I’m using my money.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

I got the new FIFA22 game for the Playstation. If FIFA21 is anything to go by, I’d imagine I’ll be getting pretty good value out of it!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

I saved up for a house deposit a few years back. It took me years and years, but it is something I am very proud of doing. I’m fortunate enough to not live in Dublin in this regard as it’s almost impossible for people to save the 10 per cent deposit they need with the higher rents and living costs that occur there.

Have you ever lost money?

I don’t think I have, not a significant amount, anyway.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win?

I’m not a gambler except for organising a Last Man Standing football competition with some of my friends. We all put €20 into a pot at the start of the Premier League. It’s great craic!

Is money important to you?

Money is very important to me. I think it gives people the freedom to make choices they want to make and do the things they want to do. We all need to learn how to get the best out of it and that’s why I think the new Smart Money Habits financial wellbeing programme LIA is running with Rugby Players Ireland is so important.

On or off the pitch I don’t know what my future holds. All I hope for is that I’ll be able to provide a good quality of life for the people around me and have the ability to help others who need it.

How much money do you have on you now?

I have zero cash on me right now. The only thing I have in my pocket is my phone!

LIA has partnered with Rugby Players Ireland to provide a financial wellbeing programme to professional and elite rugby players across the country. For more information visit lia.ie and rugbyplayersireland.ie

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea