One More Thing: Isis name crisis over for pensions body

Pensions Authority changes interactive database name due to unfortunate acronym

The Pensions Authority interactive database on Irish pensions was, until December 17th, named the Interactive Scheme Information System, or Isis for short. Photograph: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Remember, during the hectic week before Christmas, Nasdaq-listed Isis Pharmaceuticals changed its name to Ionis? Who could blame it? A life-saving drug company obviously wouldn't want to be confused with murderous Middle East militants.

The day before the Isis-to-Ionis name change, however, we had another example right here in Ireland. The Pensions Authority interactive database on Irish pensions was, until December 17th, named the Interactive Scheme Information System, or Isis for short. Oh dear.

The authority has taken the sensible decision to rename it the Pensions Data Register. A quick Google confirms, thankfully, there are no known terrorist groups operating under the acronym PDR.

As for Isis, there remain plenty of legitimate Irish businesses innocently registered under the unfortunate acronym. There is an Isis Energy and also an Isis Interiors in Dublin. Isis Automation in Tipperary recently filed a name change.


Dublin-registered Isis Aviation, which would have been a real sticky one, was dissolved five years ago.