Poetic justice for worn-out systems

Little did we suspect it, but Irish systems administrators have deeply poetic souls

Little did we suspect it, but Irish systems administrators have deeply poetic souls. Sysadmins are those valiant lone wolves who manage the computer networks of organisations and are forced to deal with the endless inanities of "end users" - that's you and me - and their computer problems.

So perhaps it's understandable that they seek refuge from our uncouth ignorance in the gentle form of the haiku.

The Margin particularly likes: "Winter approaches / this company is sinking / like a rat I leave"; "Server will not boot / the users cry out in angst / The donut grows cold"; and "Shouts of agony / the sysadmin educates / now all is quiet".

Get more at www.tuatha.org/tom/allhaikus.cgi.