Polish president criticises EU apathy

Polish President Mr Aleksander Kwasniewski has complained about the lack of enthusiasm among EU members to complete the task …

Polish President Mr Aleksander Kwasniewski has complained about the lack of enthusiasm among EU members to complete the task of reuniting the continent, and viewing the 12 candidate countries as "problems" rather than "partners."

But he cautioned that the rejection of the Nice Treaty should not be viewed as "egoism" by the Irish, jealous of their economic benefits from membership, but as a "cry for a Europe of citizens" and better protection for national interests.

He was speaking at the opening of a three-day European economic summit which aims to give a new impetus to European integration from the Baltics to the Balkans.

The EU's enlargement Commissioner Mr Guenter Verheugen said it was "not enough to tell people that enlargement is about peace, democracy and rule of law. We must tell them it has to do with the position of Europe, with economic strength, increasing our capacity to be competitive." Mr Verheugen said enlargement would create growth and jobs on both sides.


Meanwhile, clashes marred the start of the forum, which is being held in Salzburg, Austria, as riot police moved in to break up a protest by several hundred demonstrators.

Protestors earlier threw stones and bottles at police as they tried to disrupt the summit.

The summit brought together 660 top business and political leaders, including 15 heads of state and government. At least five demonstrators were arrested and four police were injured by stone-throwing protesters.