Politicians' cash goes online

With all the current interest (to put it mildly) in getting politicians to 'fess up to the size of their, er, "campaign donations…

With all the current interest (to put it mildly) in getting politicians to 'fess up to the size of their, er, "campaign donations", perhaps the Government could have a look at the California system. Having had enough of campaign finance shenanigans, Californians decided a few years ago that their elected officials should have to put on public record the source and size of any donation over $50.

Happily, the new law has dovetailed nicely with the take-off of the Internet, which prompted San Francisco, for one, to require politicians to list such donations, online, within 24 hours of the donation.

Trolling through donor lists can be a fascinating and highly revealing exercise, especially in the final days of an election when politicians seek to restock their depleted campaign warchest.

Surely in our budding Information Age State, at a time when the Government is making noise about using the Net to be more in touch with its citizens, such a system would be immensely helpful in clarifying matters before a tribunal has to be called?