Press advertising rises

The amount spent on advertising in the eleven member titles of the National Newspapers of Ireland (NNI) in the first quarter …

The amount spent on advertising in the eleven member titles of the National Newspapers of Ireland (NNI) in the first quarter of 1999 was £42.3 million, an increase of almost 17 per cent over the same period last year. The total was broken down into almost £24 million in agency revenue and a further £18 million from classified and small ads.

Commenting on the figures the newly appointed chairman of NNI, Mr Gavin O'Reilly, said: "The newspaper advertising industry has experienced phenomenal growth over the past four years with huge increases year on year outpacing, in the main, other competing media."

Mr O'Reilly said he believed the ongoing fragmentation of the media world, particularly with the onset of digital TV and the proliferation of Internet sites, has meant advertisers are increasingly looking towards media that can guarantee a large, captive and loyal audience. "Newspapers meet those criteria."

The NNI agency league table of the top 25 agencies was also announced, with McConnells retaining its number one position with a spend of £2.2 million during the quarter. Ogilvy & Mather Ireland came a close second, having spent just over £2 million in NNI newspapers. Brindley Advertising, with a spend of £1.76 million, came third.


Mr O'Reilly is managing director of Independent Newspapers (Irl) Ltd and succeeds Mr Louis O'Neil, who has retired as chief executive and group managing director of The Irish Times.