Privatise State aviation, says ATUC

Both Aer Lingus and Aer Rianta should be privatised so that they can survive and compete properly in the marketplace, the Air…

Both Aer Lingus and Aer Rianta should be privatised so that they can survive and compete properly in the marketplace, the Air Transport Users Committee (ATUC) has said.

Mr Seamus O'Carroll, chairman of the ATUC, citing the example of Ryanair said, Mr O'Carroll said Aer Rianta was also an obvious candidate for privatisation.

Mr O'Carroll was speaking at an awards ceremony for airlines in Dublin yesterday. The awards are based on a survey of more than 1,000 Irish companies and chamber of commerce members in Ireland. The overall airline of the year award was won by Ryanair which also won the best value for money award. The award for the best airline on London routes went to Aer Lingus, which also won the award for the best airline on the Transatlantic routes.

The award for other British routes went to British Midland. CityJet won the best airline on European routes award.