Putin and Irish aircraft lessors, Ronan’s refinancing, and buying travel insurance

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Developer Johnny Ronan is looking to refinance €142 million of loans attached to 12 properties, after receivers were appointed last week over the assets. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien / THE IRISH TIMES

Irish aircraft lessors moved a step closer to the possible write-off of billions of euro worth of airplanes leased to Russian airlines after the Kremlin passed a law re-registering foreign-owned aircraft in Russia. Simon Carswell reports.

Developer Johnny Ronan's Ronan Group Real Estate (RGRE) said it is looking for six months' grace to refinance €142 million of loans attached to 12 properties, after receivers were appointed last week over the assets. Joe Brennan has the details.

Causeway Sensors, a Belfast-based diagnostics company that has developed nano-sized sensing chips that can be used to detect early-stage cancer and other diseases, has secured a further €1.8 million in investment, writes Charlie Taylor.

Is Russia about to default on its debt? Cantillon offers a view.


The European Green Deal is set to transform the business landscape from tax and procurement to supply chain management but less than half of companies know what it is and most are unprepared, according to a survey by professional services firm PwC. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.

Six out of 10 Irish SMEs do not take any particular steps to protect customer data or do not know how to do so, despite 75 per cent of consumers harbouring concerns about the security of their personal information when shopping online. Colin Gleeson reports.

With air travel taking off again following the lifting of most pandemic-related restrictions, many people are checking out travel insurance cover to ensure that, if you do get stuck somewhere for Covid or other reasons, that you won't be entirely out of pocket. Fiona Reddan explains why you should always read the small print.

In Q&A, a readers says her husband insists on her making a will and wants them to pool their assets for inheritance purposes. Dominic Coyle offers some guidance.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times