Quarterly profits up 42% at H.J. Heinz

H.J. HEINZ has announced a 42% rise in pre-tax profits of $405.3 million (£273

H.J. HEINZ has announced a 42% rise in pre-tax profits of $405.3 million (£273.8 million) for the first quarter, ending July 31st, compared to $284.9 million for the same period last year. Net profits totalled $243.3 million, compared to $179.5 million last year. Sales totalled $2.233 billion compared to $2.208 billion in 1996, an increase of $24.5 million for the year. Earnings per share have risen to $0.65 from $0.48 in the first quarter last year.

Heinz chairman Dr Tony O'Reilly welcomed the results and said over half the plant closures due under a major restructuring project had taken place.

He said the acquisition of the John West business in Europe would help build one of the group's key categories - tuna - which he said was a fast-growing food category.