Accumulated profits rise at Word Perfect Translation Services

The Dublin company is one of the largest providers of translation services in the State

Abridged accounts filed recently for Word Perfect Translations show it employed an average of 190 people during the year, of which 165 were interpreters. Photograph: iStock

Accumulated profits rose by €780,272 to € 3.1 million during the year to July 2019 at Word Perfect Translation Services, a Dublin company that is one of the largest providers of translation services in the State.

Abridged accounts filed recently for the company show it employed an average of 190 people during the year, of which 165 were interpreters. No profit figure is given for the year.

The business is owned by solicitor Olga Shajaku and her husband Agim Gashi by way of holding company Dardania Holdings.

The accumulated profits at Dardania fell slightly during the same period. The accounts for Word Perfect show that the amount owed to it by group undertakings was €2.6 million at year’s end, up from €1.7 million at the end of the previous period.


Mr Gashi and Ms Shajaku are the directors of the company. The former secretary general of the Department of An Taoiseach, Paddy Teahon, resigned as a director of Word Perfect Translations in January 2019, according to the company's accounts.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent