Arnold Dillon appointed director of Retail Ireland

Dillon previously worked in the Ibec group’s press office, as well as on campaigns

Arnold Dillon joined Ibec in 2003 as European affairs executive, and subsequently worked as press officer.

Retail Ireland, the Ibec group that represents the retail sector, has announced the appointment of Arnold Dillon as director.

Mr Dillon joined Ibec in 2003 as European affairs executive, and subsequently worked as press officer and then as Ibec’s head of press and public relations.

In recent years, he was to the fore in developing Ibec’s campaigning capability, and, as head of strategic campaigns, worked on Ibec’s response to Brexit and other key campaigns.


The retail sector is Ireland’s largest private sector employing more than 280,000 people, more than twice that of Ireland’s second largest sector, financial services.


Retail Ireland’s membership is made up of department stores; pharmacy chains; DIY outlets; Irish and international fashion brands; supermarkets; convenience stores; service stations; specialist outlets; and several local, independent operators.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter