Liberty targets young drivers with additional cover promotion

First offer by an Irish insurer to bundle cover for vehicle, apartment, travel and gadgets

Liberty Insurance, which acquired the former Quinn Insurance business, is targeting younger motorists with a new bundle. Photograph: Alan Betson

Liberty Insurance, which acquired the former Quinn Insurance business, is targeting younger motorists with a new offering allowing customers to add travel, gadget and renters' insurance to their motor policy from today as part of a new promotion aimed at young drivers.

According to the company's director of personal lines Deirdre Ashe, the "Car 'N Stuff" offer represents the first attempt by an Irish insurer to bring together different elements of cover for a vehicle, apartment, travel and gadgets as part of one package.

Aimed at a market segment once dominated by Quinn, the multinational has partnered with underwriters Ace European Group and Mapfre Assistance Agency Ireland for the travel and gadget elements of the package respectively.

‘Car-partment’ packages

So-called “car-partment” packages for vehicle and rent insurance have become increasingly common in other countries recently, but Ireland is relatively new to the trend.


As part of “Car ’N Stuff” package, Liberty customers can add the various other types of insurance to their motor policy as they see fit.

To accompany the promotion, MillwardBrown conducted an online poll of 1,000 people which showed that a third of participants who are in rented accommodation had some form of contents cover, and less than a third of 17-29 year-olds had travel insurance.

“We are using these insights to provide access to a unique suite of insurance products designed with the needs of younger people in mind, including affordable car insurance, renters cover plus access to travel and gadget insurance,” said Deirdre Ashe.

Flat annual rates of €62.49 for gadget insurance and €49 for travel cover apply as part of the offer, but there is no built-in discount for motor policies and the price of car cover is dependant on individual quotes, Liberty confirmed.