Orchard Thieves tries to steal the show

New cider serves as fuel for twitterati

Heineken’s newly launched Orchard Thieves cider brand: building a profile.

Bulmers/Magners cidermaker C&C released its annual results this week, which showed its home market of Ireland is making it plenty of cash.

Bulmers’ latest rival on the block, Heineken’s newly launched Orchard Thieves cider brand, is hoping to snaffle some of that bounty.

Orchard has been working hard to build a profile in recent weeks and is advertising like crazy. The new cider’s reception has been mixed on Twitter, but at least people are talking about it.

“If Orchard Thieves is sold out again I’m gonna bate the feen in the offy,” tweeted one enthusiastic cider drinker on Wednesday evening. You’re supposed to put a “sic” after such literary skills. Perhaps a “hic” would be more appropriate.


Several other people also complained on Twitter their local off-licences had run out. If they're seeking it, that's probably a good thing for Heineken.

The brewer took some flak, however, for not been too forthright about its links to the brand. Cider drinkers are pseudo artisans who don’t like to think they’re drinking for the benefit of big business.

The brand’s imagery also includes a stealthy fox.

“I have one big problem with this new ad campaign for Orchard Thieves cider,” said another wag on Twitter. “What kind of gammy fox nicks apples? ‘Tis hens they’d go for...”

That’s a good point.