Prosecution over Clerys redundancies set to proceed

Deirdre Foley faces criminal prosecution over redundancies

Businesswoman Deirdre Foley leaves the Court of Appeal in Dublin on Thursday. Photograph: Collins Courts

The criminal prosecution of businesswoman Deirdre Foley over the handling of collective redundancies at Clerys department store is set to proceed.

Ms Foley and D2 Private Ltd, the business she owns, were due to appeal an order of the High Court delivered last October, refusing them certain reliefs concerning the legality of an investigation by inspectors of the Workplace Relations Commission into the Clerys redundancies.

The High Court case centred on whether entry by the inspectors into the Harcourt St premises of D2 Private Ltd was lawful.

However, counsel for Ms Foley and D2 Private Ltd, Remy Farrell SC, asked the Court of Appeal on Thursday for an order to the effect that the appeal would not go ahead until the District Court proceedings were dealt with.


Mr Justice George Birmingham noted the parties had reached a “common position” and that their intention was that the District Court proceedings would “now follow”.