Royal Mail’s main union to ballot 100,000 members on industrial action

Dispute relates to issues around terms and conditions of employment and job security

A ballot of CWU members at Royal Mail is scheduled to open on September 24th, with the result due on October 8th

British Royal Mail’s main trade union is to ballot more than 100,000 workers on industrial action as a labour dispute threatens to erupt into the first UK-wide strikes since the postal service was privatised.

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has set out plans to consult its members over a disagreement it said relates to issues including employment terms and conditions and job security.

The move marks a dramatic deterioration of industrial relations at the FTSE 250 company, which averted nationwide walkouts last year over the closure of a retirement fund.

A ballot of CWU members is scheduled to open on September 24th, with the result due on October 8th. This raises the possibility of serious disruption in the run-up to the peak season ahead of Christmas, a crucial time for the business.


It will pile further pressure on chief executive Rico Back, who since taking the reins at the 500-year-old company little more than a year ago has seen Royal Mail's shares sink below the price of its 2013 stock market listing. – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2019