Retrial date due in IBA damages case

TWO brothers trading as a firm of insurance brokers whose award by a High Court jury of £5 15,000 for defamation by the Irish…

TWO brothers trading as a firm of insurance brokers whose award by a High Court jury of £5 15,000 for defamation by the Irish Brokers Association was ruled to be excessive by the Supreme Court will have a date set next month for a new trial, Miss Justice Laffoy said yesterday in the High Court.

The retrial in the High Court will be before a judge and jury and will consider the question of damages only.

Last July a High Court jury made the award to brothers, Mr Albert Dawson (62), Knocknashee, Goatstown, Dublin, and his brother. Mr Dudley Dawson (58), Maywood Drive, Raheny, Dublin, trading as A E Dawson and Sons, Maywood Drive.