Revenue’s wage subsidy checks, Brexit stalemate, and Covid-19 scams

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

The UK’s lead negotiator on Brexit David Frost, left, with his EU counterpart Michel Barnier. Frost’s appointment as national security adviser has raised concerns that Britain is set on a course towards a no-deal Brexit. Photograph: Dati Bendo/EU/PA Wire

Revenue is contacting every employer that has availed of the Covid-19 temporary wage subsidy scheme as part of a compliance programme to ensure it has not been misused. Some 55,500 companies will be receiving correspondence in the coming weeks reports Dominic Coyle.

The UK has turned up the pressure dial on Brexit talks as negotiators begin their first face-to-face talks in Brussels since February to try to break the deadlock over its future relationship with the EU. Our Europe Correspondent Naomi O'Leary has the latest in this ongoing saga.

Irish online logistics company Scurri has secured a further €1.5 million from existing investors to accommodate accelerated growth due to the pandemic. Charlie Taylor has the details.

A major increase in State spending on training and employment support schemes is essential to combat the Covid-19 jobs crisis, and consideration should be given to providing the public with vouchers to spend in the worst-hit sectors of the economy, a report from a high-level official advisory group has found. Cliff Taylor reports.


In our personal finance feature, Laura Slattery looks at some of the many Covid-19 scams being perpetrated by fraudsters.

Where is Ireland's contact tracing app? Lost in State limbo, according to Cantillon, even though it was promised within 10 days back in March as part of the Government's arsenal to fight Covid-19.

In our media and marketing column, Bernice Harrison looks at the new Covid-related filming protocols for television adverts, and finds that the process is not as costly as had originally been feared.

In Q&A, a reader asks if purchasing a home or a car would be the best use of their substantial cash savings. Dominic Coyle provides the answer.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times