Ryanair’s 165m traffic target, EY’s revenues, and Covid delays RTÉ drama

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Angeline Ball as Emer Berry and Wouter Hendrickx as Christian De Jong in Hidden Assets. Shooting for the drama was delayed by the pandemic. Photograph: Guillaume Van Laethem/Saffron Pictures/RTÉ/AcornTV

Ryanair aims to carry 165 million passengers next year as it cashes in on opportunities left by Covid-weakened rivals. Barry O'Halloran has the details.

Professional services firm EY grew its revenue by 9.5 per cent to €393 million in the Republic during the year ending June 30th, 2021, writes Colin Gleeson.

Executives from two of the biggest US multinationals operating in the Republic told US treasury secretary Janet Yellen in Dublin yesterday that they welcomed the stability and certainty offered by the recent ODCE framework agreement that will set a minimum corporate tax rate at 15 per cent. Ciarán Hancock has the details.

The Department of Public Expenditure criticised a proposed deal for a new headquarters for the Data Protection Commissioner, saying the rent being sought was "exorbitant". Ken Foxe has seen correspondence on the issue.


About one-third of Irish SMEs have written off debt in the pandemic, with an average of €28,164 lost per business, according to a report by financial services group Bibby. Colin Gleeson goes through the numbers.

RTÉ One's six-part drama Hidden Assets opens next Sunday night with a Criminal Assets Bureau raid exposing links between a wealthy Irish family, a diamond stash and a spate of bombings. Behind the scenes of a pandemic-delayed 12-week shoot split between Antwerp and Co Clare, its producers endured dramatic tension of their own. Laura Slattery reports.

A new private co-op whereby members can build up their own private healthcare fund by buying €50 healthcare coin vouchers was launched yesterday. Colin Gleeson has the details.

The Finance Bill abolished approved minimum retirement funds – and now taxes are set to rise, writes Fiona Reddan in our personal finance feature.

In Q&A, a reader wonders about the tax treatment for children who inherit assets from a stepmother or stepfather. Dominic Coyle offers some guidance.

In her media and marketing column, Laura Slattery tells us why she's not impressed with Facebook's "botched" rebranding.

Ryanair's drive to stimulate off-peak traffic this winter will be led by heavy discounting of air fares as it continues to recover from the impact of Covid-19 travel restrictions, writes Cantillon.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times