Sales revenues still increasing at Dell Computer

Dell Computer Corporation, which employs 1,640 people at its Limerick manufacturing plant and the Bray sales offices, increased…

Dell Computer Corporation, which employs 1,640 people at its Limerick manufacturing plant and the Bray sales offices, increased its sales from $1.69 billion in the second quarter of 1996 to $2.8 billion in the second quarter of 1997. This represents the 14th consecutive quarter rise. Dell said, on a unit shipment basis, it grew at four times the industry rate. The average system selling price was higher than a year ago. "Clearly our customers are purchasing more richly configured systems," said Mr Michael Dell, chairman and chief executive officer. Net income more than doubled from $103 million to $214 million.

The company said it maintained the momentum across all geographical areas. Europe accounts for 22 per cent of group sales. This is down on the 25 per cent in the previous quarter.