Sandwich bar granted lease order

THE HIGH Court has granted O’Brien’s Sandwich Bars permission to seek orders revoking lease agreements it had entered for a number…

THE HIGH Court has granted O’Brien’s Sandwich Bars permission to seek orders revoking lease agreements it had entered for a number of its outlets.

Yesterday, Mr Justice John MacMenamin granted the company, which was successful in its application for examinership in July, permission to serve short service to all relevant parties including six landlords and one sub lettee.

The court heard from Bill Shipsey SC for the company that it is seeking to repudiate a number of leases that it had entered into.

Counsel said that all the different parties had been informed about the intention to make the application in relation to the lease agreement before the court.


The judge made the matter returnable to next Monday. Yesterday’s application was made on an ex-parte basis.

If the lease agreements for certain premises are terminated it will allow the court appointed examiner to the company to finalise his scheme of arrangement.

If the scheme of arrangement is successful and approved by the companies creditors and the High Court the sandwich outlet will be restructured and can trade into the future.

Mr Justice Brian McGovern appointed Paul McCann of Grant Thornton examiner to the group last July. The company applied for the protection of the court after it revealed it is insolvent with debts of more than €4 million.

The court was told on that occasion that the company has a reasonable prospect of survival once certain conditions are met, including the closure of up to 85 of its stores.

An independent accountant said that the company and related firms could survive as a going concern.