Business leaders to share secrets of their success

National Enterprise Conference aims to encourage entrepreneurs to remain positive

Clonmel Chamber president Valerie O’Reilly and mayor of Clonmel Billy Shoer. Photograph: John Crowley

Becoming an entrepreneur is not as easy as it sounds.

Ireland’s most successful entrepreneurs will admit creating your own business path is tough.

This year’s National Enterprise Conference aims to encourage entrepreneurs to remain positive, despite the challenges facing them.

Speakers at the event include founder Fred Karlsson, Renovo founder Dr Sharon O'Kane, the Gathering chief executive Jim Miley and Google executive Michael Hodgins. They will be sharing the secrets of their success, and tips to get ahead in the current economic environment.

Positive air
President of Clonmel Chamber, Valerie O'Reilly, said the aim of the conference was to instil a fresh air of positivity and self-belief amongst entrepreneurs while introducing them to opportunities that exist for Irish businesses upon the global stage.


“The resilience and determination demonstrated by Ireland’s entrepreneurs and business leaders over the past five years has set an inspirational example to us all,” she said. The event is taking place in Clonmel Park Hotel, Co Tipperary, on Friday.