Shell and BP sign huge deals

Deals signed yesterday and today by Shell and BP will make Britain the second largest foreign investor in Russia

Deals signed yesterday and today by Shell and BP will make Britain the second largest foreign investor in Russia. Moreover, the massive BP move to exploit a Siberian gasfield could in time see Britain outstrip even the US in investment.

Shell's is investing almost £600 million sterling in a joint venture with Gazprom, the world's largest gas production company, the Anglo-Dutch giant announced yesterday.

Today BP will sign a deal with the Russian Energy Minister Mr Sergei Kirenko in No 10 Downing Street worth an initial $2 billion (£1.2 billion) - a deal which could grow to $3billion (£1.8 billion).

The Shell deal and the first tranche of the BP deal will mean total investment in Russia will stand at $4.9 billion, taking Britain above Holland and Switzerland.


If the extra $1 billion investment goes ahead, Britain would then outstrip the US which has invested $5.6 billion. The British Prime Minister, Mr Blair, yesterday wrote to the British ambassador in Moscow, Sir Andrew Wood, welcoming the Shell deal and describing it as a "significant agreement" and "a major step forward in British and Russian links".