Solicitors' firm Fry's gets a new managing partner

It seems to be all change in the legal world these days, with the latest being a change of managing partner at Fry's solicitors…

It seems to be all change in the legal world these days, with the latest being a change of managing partner at Fry's solicitors. Brian O'Donnell, who as managing partner did much to reposition the firm over the past three years, has not been elected for a second term. The new managing partner is Owen O'Connell.

There is now speculation that O'Donnell may not remain for very long as one of the firm's senior partners. He is recognised as a leading light in the growing mergers and acquisitions field, advising Doyles in its current discussions with Jurys, and TSB in its talks with ACCBank.

If O'Donnell goes it will bring to three the recent departures. Eddie Evans left recently to set up a new firm associated to accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers and Gerry Halpenny recently joined L.K. Shields.

No doubt more moves are on the way. The word is that the top legal eagles are a little miffed with the PricewaterhouseCooopers move to try to snatch some of their lucrative business. And the gloves will be off as they fight to defend their turf.