Spotlight on technology

After the early doubts, Bill McCabe's Smartforce, formerly CBT, has earned the trust of many investors on the back of some landmark…

After the early doubts, Bill McCabe's Smartforce, formerly CBT, has earned the trust of many investors on the back of some landmark web-based training deals with industry leaders.

The group reports its first annual results in its new livery today and, while initial costs will eat into the figures, analysts will be looking for clear signs of healthy profits ahead.

Other technology leaders reporting this week include Baltimore Technology, which is at the forefront of encryption technology.



Results: Inter Link Foods (H1), FI Group (H1), Fifth Third Bancorp, Motorola, Northgate (H1),, Smartforce.

A.G.M.: Abacus Polar, Mediakey (e.g.m.), Rothman.

Meetings: Bank of Japan policy board meets.

Indicators: Japanese machinery orders (NovJan).

Others: North American International Auto Show (Detroit - to Sun); Mercury Asset Management presents 2000's Investment outlook with focus on European and Japanese markets (Hong Kong); Tesco issues trading statement.


Results: Abbot Labs, Archer-Daniels Midland, Automatic Data Processing, Bank of America, Bank of New York, Bank One, Budgens (H1), Champion Int'l, Degussa-Huels, DTZ Holdings (H1), Knight-Ridder, Mellon Financial, John Menzies (H1), Lumination, Northern Trust Corp, PhotoMe International (H1), Southwest Airlines, Topps Tiles (H1), US Airways, US Bancorp, Vega Group (H1).

A.G.M.: Character Group, Granuaile Shipping, Landround, NHP, Petra Diamonds, Weather Action Holdings (e.g.m.).

Meetings: European Union budget ministers meet (Brussels).

Indicators: British industrial production (Nov) and manufacturing output (Nov); Italian consumer prices (Dec).

Others: National Irish Bank chief executive Mr Owen Vanzuyden addresses Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants; First Irish online auction site, eBid, launched; Bank of France, founded by Napoleon in 1800, celebrates 200th birthday; Supreme Court expected to begin hearings over disputed third Irish mobile phone network; Ernst & Young presents study on e-commerce (Paris); Debenhams and Littlewoods issue trading statements; European Commission due to make an announcement on German state aid to rescue Philipp Holzmann construction firm; Boots issues trading statement; Housing charity Threshold goes online with new website.


Results: AMR, BAA (Q3), Baltimore Technologies, Eastman Kodak, Enron, Northrop Grumman, Reynolds Metal, Warner-Lambert, Unisys.

A.G.M.: Berisford, Mediatinvest (e.g.m.).

Meetings: Foresight Business Breakfast addressed by Boyzone co-manager and entrepreneur Mr John Reynolds (Dublin University).

Indicators: British average earnings (Nov), claimant count (Dec) and unit wages (Nov); US Beige Book, housing starts (Dec) and housing permits (Dec); Italian industrial production (Nov).

Others: J Sainsbury issues trading statement; Geneva prosecutor investigating range of international money-laundering and fraud cases, due to give news conference.


Results: Iona Technology; Unicom, Union Pacific.

A.G.M.: Airtours, Arcadia, Scottish Radio Holdings.

Meetings: ECB governing council meets; IAPF evening seminar for trustees on "What you should ask your actuary" (University Industry Centre, UCD).

Indicators: British producer price index (Dec); US international trade (Nov) and Philadelphia Federal Survey (Jan); Japanese industrial production (Nov); German Ifo survey (Dec).

Others: DHL Exporter of the Year awards (Commons, Dublin).


Results: Caterpillar, Chicago Tribune, Imperial Oil, Investor.

A.G.M.: Ferguson International, Shalibane, VTR (e.g.m.).


Indicators: British M4 data (Dec); US federal budget (Dec); French trade balance (Nov) and industrial production (Nov).

Others: Heads of Finance Bill 2000 published; Deadline for tenders for advisers to Aer Lingus sell-off; Reuters poll survey on long term forecasts for US economy.