Statement on behalf of John Byrne

In an article by Colm Keena which appeared in the business section of The Irish Times on Friday, March 30th, extensive reference…

In an article by Colm Keena which appeared in the business section of The Irish Times on Friday, March 30th, extensive reference was made to Mr John Byrne. No attempt was made by the author to contact Mr Byrne or his legal representatives in connection with the article. However, an alleged "informed source" is quoted extensively and purported to represent Mr Byrne's position in relation to the Ansbacher inquiry.

Mr Byrne wishes to categorically deny the views and position attributed to him by the alleged informed source and, in particular, any innuendo contained therein which suggests an acknowledgment of any wrongdoing on his part. Mr Byrne did not authorise any person to provide the information to Mr Keena and deeply resents the reliance upon an alleged "informed source" who was neither informed nor authorised to express views on Mr Byrne's behalf.