Statistics hide true picture of where R&D spending takes place

INNOVATION TALK: Of all the large multinationals in the world, which of them spends the most on research and development? Maybe…

INNOVATION TALK:Of all the large multinationals in the world, which of them spends the most on research and development? Maybe you would think Boeing, or perhaps Apple, or possibly one of the oil exploration companies? Which industry sector spends the most on RD globally – maybe the IT and telecommunication sectors? Which continent is most aggressively accelerating its industrial RD spend – perhaps Asia?

A fascinating analysis of the global spend by companies on RD, with a particular focus on European companies, was recently announced by EU Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn. Her team annually publish an "Industrial RD Investment Scoreboard", and this year surveyed 1,500 companies worldwide (online at

The comparison of RD investment by so many companies in so many jurisdictions is a truly daunting undertaking. The work is derived from an analysis of the published annual returns of the companies involved. Of course there are many caveats: companies vary the amount of information they disclose in their annual reports; fiscal year-ends vary from company to company; both mergers and divestments occur; accounting norms still vary tremendously in regulation and interpretation across the planet; exchange rates fluctuate; and so on.

But the very largest caveat, and which is amply stressed by the report’s authors, is that the report does NOT identify precisely where RD is undertaken, and instead merely attributes the entire global spend on RD by each company solely to its corporate location. As an example, Microsoft has many research centres worldwide (including Ireland), but the report simply notes that that Microsoft is headquartered in the US and spent an estimated €7.6 billion (in various locations) on RD during its fiscal 2011 year.


So, which company spent the most on RD? Answer: Toyota, with approximately €7.75 billion during 2011. Which industry sector spends the most on RD? Answer: the automobile sector – while Toyota was number one by RD spend in the world, Volkswagen was 3rd; General Motors 9th; Daimler 12th; Honda 14th; and Nissan 20th. The top IT companies were Microsoft 2nd; Samsung 5th; Intel 8th, and Nokia 15th. Google was 26th; Apple 59th, and Facebook 294th. This neatly illustrates that commercial success (at least in the IT sector) is not driven by the amount of RD spend, but rather by the focus of RD investment on judiciously chosen product initiatives: for example, Apple has 47 per cent higher revenues than Microsoft, but spends just 25 per cent of what Microsoft spends on RD.

Which continent is most aggressive in its growth of RD spend? The report notes that both the US and Europe grew their respective spends by about 9 per cent in 2011, ahead of the global average (of about 8 per cent). In absolute terms, the US is ahead of Europe: the former spent €178 billion and the latter €145 billion, on industrial RD. However, to repeat the point, these figures are only approximate since the report notes only where companies are headquartered, and not the various locations where their respective RD spends actually occur.

One of the main conclusions from the report is that corporations – and industry sectors – which invest in significant RD tend to show above-average employment growth. In noting the strong commitment to RD spend by many European companies, Geoghegan-Quinn calls on EU leaders to show similar commitment to publicly funded RD by national governments.

What about Ireland? Well, according to the report, Ireland is in 10th place of the 27 member states for industrial investment in RD, with 14 companies out of the 1,000 top EU companies for RD investment.

Hmmm. I wonder. First, as a reminder, the report’s methodology explicitly ignores RD investment by a multinational in Ireland if its headquarters are elsewhere: for example, Microsoft’s RD in Ireland is only counted as part of American RD. Second, different accounting regulations are widespread on a global basis. But most of all, the 14 Irish companies cited in the report contain several which are registered as headquartered in Ireland but which appear to have most – if not all – of their executive team located elsewhere.

What is an Irish company? Is Seagate (33rd in the report), a provider of computer disk drive technology, with its executive team in Cupertino in California but registered as headquartered in Ireland, an Irish company? How about Covidien (Health Care systems, and 63rd); or Accenture (management services, and 66th); or Ingersoll-Rand (industrial systems, and 105th)? How much of these various professedly Irish companies investment in RD is actually spent in Ireland?

Intriguingly, the report also lists Bank of Ireland (404th) as a UK company, and thus attributes its reported €35 million investment on RD during 2011 as British rather than Irish.

Is a company whose global headquarters are legally registered in Ireland, but whose CEO and majority of its executive team are elsewhere, whose major operations including RD are elsewhere, and the vast majority of whose revenues are generated elsewhere, nevertheless an Irish company? These are international legal and governance questions, but the corporate tax arrangements of several multinationals are now under active scrutiny in the UK, the US and elsewhere. I believe it is also significant that the Irish Revenue Commissioners have just very recently announced a new initiative for self-audit of transfer tax compliance by companies registered in Ireland.

I suspect that many of the general observations by Geoghegan-Quinn and her team are probably accurate, even if the data collected has many important caveats and arguably is quite imprecise.

Chris Horn

Chris Horn

Chris Horn, a contributor to The Irish Times, was the cofounder, chief executive and chairman of Iona Technologies