Supply chains lenghten; Netwatch spies growth; and national grid not ready for future

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Avoiding gridlock on the State’s electricity network is key to unlocking Ireland’s low-carbon future, says Kevin Daly. Photograph: iStock

Almost four in 10 Irish businesses are reporting delays to their supply chain as a consequence of Brexit, while a substantial proportion have changed their export strategies ahead of an expected swelling of Brexit red tape over the next year. Laura Slattery examines the Grant Thornton Ireland International Business Report which shows some 37 per cent of the companies surveyed indicate they are experiencing longer lead times in their supply chain.

Netwatch Group, the security technology company that includes Carlow-based Netwatch (Ireland), is eyeing revenue growth in the wake of a pandemic-related rise in vacant business premises and pressure on companies to cut labour costs. CEO Kurt Takahashi spoke to Laura during his first visit to the company's Carlow base.

Ramping up supply will not resolve Ireland's housing crisis, writes Eoin Burke-Kennedy, who says building 35,000 or 50,000 homes a year is not likely to make purchases more affordable .

Irish businesses are sacrificing as much as ¤3.3 billion a year as office employees lose an average of 21 minutes of their day searching for and exchanging documents in the working-from-home era, according to a survey conducted by IT services provider Auxilion. Laura has the details.


Head of development at EDF Renewables Ireland Kevin Daly writes that the State's renewable energy sector is beginning to thrive like never before. But for all this progress, significant challenges remain. There is currently a disconnect between the magnitude of the Government's ambition and the existing transmission network's capacity for variable renewable electricity.

And finally, with the pressure to be productive a seemingly inescapable part of life, Tim Harford advises that if you're going on holiday then leave your 'to do' list at home.

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Nora-Ide McAuliffe

Nora-Ide McAuliffe

Nora-Ide McAuliffe is an Audience Editor with The Irish Times