T5 Oil & Gas’s woes, a lack of mortgage switching, and corporate tax rates

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Money bag and wooden blocks with the word Debt and a miniature house on the scales. Payment of debt for real estate. Pay off the mortgage loan. Risks of buying a house. Buying an apartment on credit.

T5 Oil & Gas, an Africa-focused explorer founded by a group of Tullow Oil veterans, has warned there is a "material uncertainty" over its ability to stay in business for the next year if it fails to raise money to complete a key deal in Gabon after aborting a $45 million initial public offering in 2018. Joe Brennan has the details.

Tens of thousands of homeowners are paying hundreds, if not thousands, of euro more on their mortgages than they need to every year, according to mortgage industry groups. Dominic Coyle reports.

The effective tax rate paid by Irish companies last year was 12.4 per cent, broadly in line with the statutory rate of 12.5 per cent, according to a new report by accounting firm PwC and the World Bank. Eoin Burke-Kennedy has the details.

Wholesale electricity prices are falling as the cost of gas drops and the impact of renewable energy increases, according to a new report. Barry O'Halloran goes through the numbers.


In our personal finance feature, Joanne Hunt sets out five essential financial resolutions to make for the new year.

In her weekly media and marketing column, Laura Slattery looks at the influence of Alexa in selecting the UK's Christmas number one song. It just isn't as much fun as before.

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Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times