Apple pulls adblocker that worked on apps such as Facebook

Tech giant raises concern over the way Been Choice intercepted users’ internet traffic

Apple said it was working “closely with these developers to quickly get their apps back on the app store, while ensuring customer privacy and security is not at risk”. Photograph: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

Apple has pulled the first app to allow iPhone users to block advertisements in mobile apps of companies such as Facebook, citing concerns about customer security.

Been Choice was launched in the US this month using more powerful technology than other adblockers, which are only able to eliminate ads within web browsers.

But Apple raised concerns related to the way the company – and other apps that it did not name but also pulled – intercepted users' internet traffic. In particular, Been Choice disrupted a security protocol called SSL that is used by companies such as Facebook, Google, Pinterest and Yahoo to encrypt the data that passes between a mobile device and its own servers.

“We are working closely with these developers to quickly get their apps back on the app store, while ensuring customer privacy and security is not at risk,” Apple said.


David Yoon, co-founder of Been Choice, said the company was amending its app following Apple's recommendations and would resubmit it to the company on Friday for "expedited approval". Mr Yoon also denied that his app was insecure.

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