Bill Murray gets lost in meditation at Toronto Film Festival

The US actor and comedian had plenty to say when asked what it was like to be Bill Murray

Bill Murray: “The only way we’ll ever know what it’s like to be you is if you work your best at being you as often as you can”

What do Deepak Chopra and the Dalai Lama have in common? Well, for starters, they're not Bill Murray. The comedian and actor is one of a kind: while taking questions at the Toronto Film Festival he got asked what it was like to be Bill Murray. His answer took the form of a guided meditation for the audience where Murray talked them through the experience of being oneself. "So, what's it like to be me?" asked Murray. "You can ask yourself, 'What's it like to be me?' You know, the only way we'll ever know what it's like to be you is if you work your best at being you as often as you can and keep reminding yourself: That's where home is."