Canon’s new smart AI flash does all the hard work for you

Speedlite 470EX-AI automatically adjusts itself, making everything much simpler

The new flash includes something called AI Bounce, which is a new auto intelligent function that helps you get the best position for the flash every time you take a photograph

If you’ve never struggled with the correct settings for a flash gun, Canon’s latest invention probably won’t be of much interest.

But if you’ve found yourself draining batteries or missing the mark with your flash, creating shadows where there should be none or turning your subject into a harshly lit monster, then the Speedlite 470EX-AI is for you.

The new flash includes something called AI Bounce, which is a new auto intelligent function that helps you get the best position for the flash every time you take a photograph.

Set it to fully auto mode and it will calculate the distance between your subject and the flash, then the ceiling and the flash, and automatically set it to the best position to avoid shadows or bleaching your subject.


Move the camera position, and the flash will adjust itself too. It makes everything seem much simpler and more straightforward; if you don’t like handing over that much control, you can disable it.

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