Coronavirus Tech Handbook guides you through the mayhem

Web Log: Online resource includes disease spread trackers and digital learning

Covid-19: Tackle it with London College of Political Technologists’ Coronavirus Tech Handbook.

Can techies help beat the coronavirus? The London College of Political Technologists thinks so. This independent UK-based organisation has created an online crowd-sourced resource for technologists working on Covid-19-related digital tools. It is called the Coronavirus Tech Handbook and is a great all-round resource.

There is information on everything from a detailed list of global dashboards tracking the spread of Covid-19 to a section called "Cash for CovTech", which keeps tabs on grants, funding and jobs relating to tackling the coronavirus. For example, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has just announced it is partnering with the Wellcome Trust and Mastercard to put $125 million (€112 million) in seed funding toward an accelerator designed to speed up development of Covid-19 treatments.

One particularly helpful section is dedicated to educators: it gives the lowdown on what technologies are out there for remote digital delivery of classes, collaborative tools for working on assignment with your class, and advice on getting started for teachers and lecturers who have never used these technologies before now.