Death, grief and mourning in comic’s podcast

Web Log: Griefcast, hosted by Cariad Lloyd, named Podcast of the Year

Cariad Lloyd Lloyd infuses the conversation with humour, lending a refreshing openness to difficult topics.

There are plenty of comedian-hosted podcasts where the interview chats with fellow comics but there's only one that talks about death, grief, and the mourning process. Griefcast, hosted by the witty and charming Cariad Lloyd, has been running since 2016 and recently won Podcast of the Year at the British Podcast Awards.

Griefcast is, as the name suggests, a podcast dealing with the death of loved ones, but Lloyd infuses the conversation with humour, lending a refreshing openness to a difficult topic that is usually glossed over, seen as depressing or not up for discussion.

A conversation with Robert Webb (of Peep Show fame) covers his mother's death from breast cancer when he was 17, and how he dealt with death as an adult after his father passed away. Lloyd connects on a personal level over the death of her own father while they both laugh at how dramatic, smug and annoying the young Webb was while in Cambridge Footlights before he learned to deal with unresolved grief.