Have your doodles judged by Google’s AI software

Quick, Draw! is one of several open source code experiments hosted by Google

Quick, Draw! uses machine learning to guess what you have drawn, and learns from each answer it gets right or wrong

I drew a picture of an insect. AI software laughed at my efforts. Okay, it didn’t laugh but it kept shouting (in an irritating, high-pitched, computer-generated voice): “I see a table, a helicopter, a hamster . . .” before it eventually said, in an exasperated manner: “I have no clue what you’re drawing.”


This is Quick, Draw!, a new machine learning project from Google Creative Lab and Data Arts Team. Pre-trained on a few hundred concepts – think cat, dog, table, chair – it uses machine learning to guess your doodles, all the while learning from each answer it gets right or wrong and improving the odds for the next doodler.

Quick, Draw! is one of several AI experiments hosted by Google, using open source code and resources provided by Google, but submitted by technologists interested in showcasing their machine learning projects. Anyone can submit as long as their work is hands-on, innovative and somewhat educational.

quickdraw.withgoogle.comOpens in new window ]