Your typical app game tends to fall into one of three categories; competitive administration, Tetris-like puzzles or 2D platform games. Icycle: On Thin Ice has all of the hallmarks of the latter: cute visuals, basic controls (move left and right or jump) and a simple protagonist (in this case a nude man on a bike). But Icycle sneaks poignancy and eccentricity into the formula. Playing Dennis, the unlucky cyclist, you must travel through a hostile, abandoned and abruptly frozen world. Slide down glaciers, peddle furiously up hills, and creep in and out of caves as they close in around you. The appearance, tone and humour recall Terry Gilliam's Monty Python cartoons, and there are sly nods to numerous surreal artists. It plays very well, with a surprising variety to the levels. Sometimes you're swinging between cracks in a fast-paced freefall, or jumping over spiky obstacles on a path, or floating through magic door portals in a dream sequence.
Icycle: On Thin Ice