Irish firm Novaerus donates air disinfection technology to Chinese hospitals

Company providing solutions to two hospitals in Wuhan, where coronavirus emerged

Medical staff in an intensive care unit treating COVID-19 coronavirus patients at a hospital in Wuhan. Photograph: STR/AFP

Novaerus, an Irish company that has developed an infectious defence system for indoor facilities, has donated air disinfection technology to two hospitals in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus first emerged.

The company, which manufactures and sells patented medical-grade, clean air solutions, said it was providing the technology to Wuhan Xincheng Hospital and Wuhan Third People’s Hospital as an act of solidarity with the Chinese people.

Rapid remediation

Among the donation of goods is Defend 1050 for each facility, a mobile solution designed for rapid remediation in large spaces and situations with a high risk of infection.

"To successfully control the spread of pathogens we need to close the infection control loop; hands, surfaces and air," says Dr Kevin Devlin, chief executive at WellAir, the parent company of Novaerus.


“Cleaning the air is a fundamental component of managing infectious outbreaks, and we have a unique technology to do this,” he added.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist