KBC discloses cost of tracker cases, RTÉ goes online first and the sharing economy takes to the skies

Business Today: The best news, analysis and comment from ‘The Irish Times’ business desk

One of the CCTV cameras installed in the village of Duleek, Co Meath. Photograph: Alan Betson

In breaking news, it has emerged that KBC Bank Ireland set aside €54 million in the third quarter to cover refunds, compensation and other costs relating to overcharging of tracker mortgage customers.

Elsewhere, the Data Protection Commissioner is to examine the status of community CCTV schemes. Elaine Edwards and Kathleen Harris report from Duleek, Co Meath, which recently installed 14 cameras covering virtually angle of a village with a population of 5,000. Amid growing concerns over rural crime, are such schemes the answer or an invasion of privacy?

RTÉ will for the first time put an entire series on the RTÉ Player before it is broadcast on television. Laura Slattery has the details.

Dunnes Stores has been told it must pay €15.5 million "forthwith" to the receivers of a Harry Crosbie company in line with the settlement terms of a legal dispute over Dublin's Point Village development. Mary Carolan reports from the High Court.


Staying in the courts, Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary has denied describing pilots as "overpaid under-worked peacocks". He also disagreed that he was derisive of trade union representatives, but said he was an opponent of them. He was under cross-examination in Ryanair's continuing action against founders of the Ryanair Pilot Group (RPG), which the airline claims sent an email to 2,289 pilots that was untrue and defamatory.

Irish patients are waiting longer for new drugs than those in other countries across western Europe, according to major international pharma companies. Dominic Coyle reports on the annual pharma and healthcare conference, which also heard from Minister for Health Simon Harris, who said: "Of course I want all of our citizens to have access to the newest, most innovative medicines that are out there and as quickly as possible. But not at any cost."

In innovation, Fiona Reddan reports on an intriguing French start-up that takes the sharing economy to the air. The firm is looking for light aircraft pilots eager to get in the air and passengers who will cover the costs of a flight in return for transport.

In her Net Results column, Karlin Lillington explains why not everything or everyone belongs online, while in his Innovation Talk column, Dick Ahlstrom argues that despite events like Science week, people just don't seem to be aware about how successful Irish scientists have been on the world stage.

Michael McAleer

Michael McAleer

Michael McAleer is Motoring Editor, Innovation Editor and an Assistant Business Editor at The Irish Times