LinkedIn’s new tool ‘Elevates’ company networks

The idea behind Elevate is to leverage the social media activity of employees in order to drive business to their place of work

Elevate is LinkedIn’s new content-sharing tool for companies and their employees. The idea behind Elevate is to leverage the social media activity of employees in order to drive business to their place of work.

LinkedIn number-crunchers say that the average employee has 10 times as many connections as their company has followers and, furthermore, people are three times as likely to trust information coming from employees than from a chief executive.

It is plausible that encouraging employees to share curated content within their network may drive more traffic (and hires) to the company. The analytics dashboard will provide a complete picture but could it pressure workers into sharing the “correct” type of content? Elevate is currently invitation-only but LinkedIn plans a universal launch later this year.