On the hunt with charitable techies

Techies4TempleStreet is aiming to raise funds for the children’s hospital in Dublin

The Children’s Hospital Temple Street: has teamed up with a number of high-profile tech companies in the city to launch Techies4TempleStreet. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

If you spot large numbers of skinny-jean wearing, iPad-tapping, confused-looking tech executives roaming the streets of Dublin in the coming months, it isn’t because somebody mischievously turned off the internet.

Temple Street children’s hospital in Dublin has teamed up with a number of high-profile tech companies in the city to launch Techies4TempleStreet, an upscale charity treasure hunt across the city in aid of the hospital.

Teams of executives from technology companies, including LinkedIn and Airbnb, as well as teams from their advisory firms, such as Deloitte and William Fry, have already signed up.

“Team participants will be challenged by technology-oriented questions and clues in an intellectually exciting treasure trail,” the organisers say.


That should get hearts racing among the competitive geeks in the city’s tech sector.

The organisers have set a target of more than 1,000 executives for the inaugural treasure hunt on October 2nd, which starts from the RDS.

Denise Fitzgerald, chief executive of Temple Street Foundation, says the hospital needs to raise €5 million to build a new renal and neurology outpatients unit. Cash raised from the techies will go towards it.

Plenty of big firms have signed up already, but plenty more are welcome. Go to techies4templestreet.ie for more details.

‘Exclusive’ circle

We all know from the Web Summit that techie types like to hang out together and talk tech and stuff.

So the organisers are also setting up the Captain’s Club, which they describe as “an exclusive circle of team captains, company founders and senior executives who will gather regularly in an informal setting to discuss issues affecting the technology community”.

Techie heaven.