In the recent PS4 vs Xbox One fisticuffs, Sony promised a slew of smaller, simpler titles as well as epic, mega-budget games. Resogun seems to reflect Sony's indie intentions. The game, which is free to Playstation Plus subscribers, is a sparkly and smooth side-scrolling shooter. Controlling a generic spaceship, your job is to dispatch alien invaders while swooping to the ground to rescue humans. The twin-stick controls work well, giving the game a lovely fluidity. The graphics are attractive, even if they barely tax the PS4's capabilities – they look and sound like a fireworks display. It's fast-paced, and even the boss battles are fun: mechanical behemoths that change shape and spit flames. Resogun also has a good soundtrack, from pulsating, dense electronic music to futuristic sound effects of slinking, metallic noises. This hardly reinvents the wheel, but it's so slick and immensely playable that you won't mind one bit. sonyentertainmentnetworkcom