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Publisher: Secret
Reviewed On: Android
Cert: 12
Available On: Android

In today’s digital world, where everything is shared on Facebook, tweeted about or filtered for Instagram, there are no secrets. Or are there? This controversial app provides a platform to share your deepest darkest secrets – anonymously, of course – and to get a look at those of others. They range from the mundane – (“I (silently) read secrets from the UK and Australia using accents”) to life lessons (“Go against the grain, it’s much more fun”) to the more serious (“I feel like I’ve really lost my way and I can’t seem to find my way back”). There have even been a few tech rumours posted on the site, some that have turned out to be true (Vic Gundotra leaving Google+, for example). It hides friends’ secrets from you until you verify your phone number and at least three of your friends are sharing on the site. You can comment on secrets, favourite them, or simply lose yourself in wading through the confessions. Turn on locations services and you can see popular posts in your location. Of course not all of them are true. (There was a rumour posted about Evernote being acquired postedthat turned out to be false.) And you get the impression that some of the so-called secrets are less than truthful at times. But it’s oddly compelling all the same.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist