‘Her Story’ is a FMV (full motion video) game that draws you in hook, line and sinker. I know what you’re thinking: those crappy FMV games with repetitive and badly-acted live action clips died out in the 90s and good riddance but this interactive story could signal the revival of a genre.
Comprised of mysterious interviews taking place in an interrogation room and filmed on grainy VHS, 'Her Story' pulls you back to the 90s, which is timely given the popularity of True Detective and an X-Files reboot. Your task is to make sense of disordered fragments of interviews archived under 'Homicide & Serious Crime' on an ancient, wheezing desktop. There are clues pointing to multiple murders in this compelling jigsaw puzzle of a game. Who dunnit and what did they do? If you have the time and patience you just might find out.