Solicitor firm seeks €1m from Dunnes over professional fees

Dispute between Eversheds and supermarket retailer admitted to Commercial Court

It is claimed Dunnes retained Eversheds to act on several contentious and non-contentious matters over the years. Photograph: Michaela Rehle/Reuters

A dispute between solicitors firm Eversheds and Dunnes Stores over fees for professional services has been admitted to the Commercial Court.

Eversheds is seeking judgment for some €1.1 million against Dunnes over allegedly outstanding fees.

It is claimed Dunnes retained the solicitors to act on several contentious and non-contentious matters over the years. Eversheds says Dunnes’ failure pay the full amount of fees allegedly due has resulted in the lawyers exercising a solicitors lien over materials including planning documentation held on behalf of Dunnes Stores.

Eoin McCullough SC, for Eversheds, told Mr Justice Brian McGovern on Thursday that, following discussion late last year, an agreement had been entered into for Dunnes to pay Eversheds, by early February 2016, €465,000 in respect of the fees at issue.


If payment was not made, Eversheds would be entitled to a payment of more than €900,000, plus VAT of €210,000 and disbursements of €20,000, he said. Dunnes had not paid and Eversheds was seeking judgment against Dunnes of €1.1 million, he said.

Mr Justice McGovern admitted the case to the Commercial Court.