Surreal ‘Dreams’ aims to bring gamers into massive dream world

Collaborate, explore and create in Media Molecule’s latest project

Dreams allows you to create your own world from scratch.

Some things really have to be seen to be understood. And sometimes, even when you see them, you still don't understand. But when it comes to Dreams, that's okay apparently. Media Molecule, the company behind Little Big Planet and Tearaway, is trying to make your brain hurt with this attempt to harness the feeling of lucid dreaming. When Alex Evans took to the stage yesterday, he practically said as much.

How it works - we think - is you can create your own dream world, or explore others. You can remix other people’s dreams, collaborate and share your visions. You do all the creating with Sony’s dual shock controller, carving out your own vision and animating it.

It looks, Evans said, a bit like a moving painting. That meant throwing out polygons and other familiar tools. The end result looks pretty amazing.

“It’s beautiful and leaves room for your imagination,” he said.


We’re still not entirely sure we get it, but we definitely want to give it a try.