In a world of coincidences, here’s a delicious one.
Peter Coonan, the 'Fran' actor from Love/Hate, is playing former Anglo Irish Bank chief executive David Drumm in the upcoming movie The Guarantee, which was recently shot at TV3.
His brother, Michael Coonan, is a solicitor in the banking litigation department of McCann FitzGerald, which is working closely with Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC), the old carcass of Drummer's Anglo.

A source tells us that Michael, who is a dead ringer for his famous younger brother, has been closely involved in the various actions between the Quinn family and IBRC, which is under the control of KPMG liquidators.
The actor Coonan must have been banging his head off a brick wall knowing that his solicitor brother probably knows more about the character he is playing than he does himself, but couldn’t possibly tell him due to client confidentiality. McCann FitzGerald didn’t want to comment.
The brothers Coonan acted together in their youth, scoring minor roles in Conor McPherson's Saltwater, made in 2000 and starring Brendan Gleeson. They also co-own a company called Grantlodge Holdings, which appears to own a transport company and has assets of €223,000.
Whoever said actors were a starving lot? Solicitors aren’t, that’s for sure.