Twitter considering adding ‘edit’ feature

Web Log: CEO Jack Dorsey concedes that a form of editing is definitely needed

Twitter users may be getting the option of editing their tweets, much like Facebook’s edit functionality.

After years of tweeting then deleting, Twitter users may be getting the option of editing their tweets, much like Facebook’s edit functionality.

Late last week CEO Jack Dorsey conceded, in a tweet of course, that "a form of edit is definitely needed. But for everyone, not just those with verified badges". This was in response to a user requesting this functionality for those with verified accounts.

Responses from Twitter users were mixed. One user suggested that “edited tweet should have an “Edited” link showing what the original tweet was” while another warned: “Be careful with this! Can’t let a tweet be edited. Should be cancel/replaced. Otherwise RTs and QTs are compromised”.

A workaround was suggested by another Twitterer who pointed out that YouTube’s comment policy allows for editing up until a post is shared, replied to or liked, at which point it is locked for editing. Another suggested the less egalitarian option of a premium version of Twitter charging a dollar per edit.