Vodafone Ireland's long-serving strategy director to step down

VODAFONE IRELAND’S long-serving strategy director Gerry Fahy is to step down from his role with the company in April.

VODAFONE IRELAND’S long-serving strategy director Gerry Fahy is to step down from his role with the company in April.

Mr Fahy (52), has been a senior member of the Vodafone Ireland management team for the past 10 years, following Eircell’s acquisition from Eircom and subsequent rebranding.

Speaking to The Irish Times, Mr Fahy said: "After 10 years with Vodafone and Eircell and a lot of interesting challenges, I feel it's time to take stock and review other career opportunities carefully". He said he will seek another full-time executive role in the telecommunications industry.

During his career with Vodafone Ireland, the company’s customer base has grown from 50,000 to 2.2 million and it now also offers broadband and fixed-line services. Mr Fahy is the most senior Irishman in Vodafone’s executive team here.


His responsibilities covered legal, regulatory and public affairs while he held interim appointments as marketing director and acting chief executive. He was also part of the Eircom team that negotiated the sale of Eircell to Vodafone.

Mr Fahy is believed to have applied for the top job in Ireland on a couple of occasions but Vodafone has always chosen to install an executive from one of its other operations around the world.

Mr Fahy, an engineer by training, is also a former chairman of the Telecommunications and Internet Federation of Ibec.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times